Friday, December 13, 2019

A Teaser Trailer Anouncement


Black billowing clouds, lightning flashes, and rumbling noises fill the screen before ominous gold text floats into the middle:

# A Darkness Approaches with the New Decade #

As the text fades an image slowly comes out of the darkness before fading back out.
Nine candles almost illuminate the nine faces of nine people. Flickering flames just barely fail to show more than their shadowy outlines.

# The Shadow Hanging Over The Multiverse... #

Flash through the nine images, each fading in then out for half a second:

There is a dusty scene in what looks like a cross between the desert around LA and Mars. You can't see the sun through a dark suffocating haze, and instead a brownish red glow fills the air, coming from everywhere at once. Train tracks go off in either direction and lying next to them are overturned cargo cars and a damaged locomotive. A dead bodies and smashed shipping containers lay strewn about the area.

The image is inside what appears to be a large spacious office. The architecture and furnishings are all hard angles along with realistic paintings of numerous people on what appears to be their worst days of their lives. The view from the floor to celling windows overlooks a greenish gray city choked by crowded buildings, all puffing out black smoke. A tattooed woman in a dress with a burn scar on her left calf looks away from the camera out over the city, sipping something red from a juice box.

A shot angled looking up, the bottom of the screen is filled with with a black bubbling swamp covered in mist. Small sickly vegetation pushes up through the ground along with a set of large wooden stilts. Sitting on top of the stilts is a grand and impressive manor house, covered in ornate gilding, woodwork, and gargoyles. There appears to be no doors or stairs allowing for entrance or exit to the house sitting below a yellow sky.

Where the previous office shot was in a large open room, this one is small, dark, and choked with smoke. A figure and their large chair are barely visible beyond an oversized desk. A deep red glow emanates from the room itself and a cigar in the figures mouth, illuminating just enough to see their cruel smirk and protruding horns.

Another shot looking up, this one into a freezing clear azure sky. Framed in the middle is some sort of fort which seems to be jutting out of a glacier. Its hard to tell in the short time but it almost seems to be bobbing up and down like a ship docked at sea. The walls on the fort seem to be on the verge of breaking apart, not just because of their age, but also from the near constant polishing they are subjected to, wearing away their strength. A vague sense of movement comes from the fort's battlements, giving the impression that it is still heavily guarded.

All you see is a huge slope of rocks tumbling down for the whole duration of this scene. Between the stones sometimes comes pale white smoke, hiding an inky blackness which you can't imagine ever escaping. At times it seems as though you can see people swallowed up and rolling with the landslide, but its impossible to tell if they are actual bodies or just rocks shaped to fool your eyes.

This sky is a deep red with black clouds hanging high. Or maybe they're red clouds on a black sky? Its hard to tell peering up in the alleyway between two bombed out buildings. Its unclear if anyone is living in the destroyed ruins that surround you or if the fires and movement in the shadows are just from rats and destruction. Seeing the image gives you an uneasy feeling of panic, like walking through an unfamiliar neighborhood trying to make the last train out.

This image is pointed straight at the ground, which seems to be made of solid blue-gray ice. Black snow whips about a few huddled forms which try to make their way across the scene in the blizzard. The camera slowly zooms out, moving upwards till a flash of lightning illuminates figures in the ice below. Their forms are almost beyond description, dark limbs and mouths, jutting and contorting while frozen in the ice. Only two things about these impossibly ancient entities are clear: there are two of them and they are locked in conflict.

The final image is that of a waterfall of sorts. Inside a deep canyon whose walls obscure the sky a huge torrent of water falls from above. This river is filled with garbage of all sorts: a suit of armor, a head with black hair and many ear piercings, a two handed sword made of flame, a sickly looking body which has half become an ooze, a dead dog. These all fall unceremoniously into a pool which seems to be sucking them away towards its bottom, draining away any evidence that they once existed. At the end of the canyon, behind the river and the pool and out of focus, there appears to be an impossibly large and imposing spire jutting from the earth.

# Finally Descends! #

A number of images flash across the screen for an ever shorter amount of time:

A cop with a distressingly bushy mustache, distressingly similar eyebrows, and aviators.
An armored figure out of Dark Souls covered in dust with a broken sword on their back and a revolver on their hip.
An ancient black leather grimoire.
A two headed ax with the strings, dials, and nobs of an electric base guitar.
The yawning mouth of a vampire squid with darkness for a beak.
An animated manikin wearing strange cloths over their impossibly long, skinny body.
A squat and flattened creature with a horrible scowl, star covered wizard robes, and a matching pointy hat.
A forest of people crucified, their crosses burning.
A giant shark the size of an aircraft carrier jumping out of a sea.
An androgynous figure with a pixie cut and an oversized FUSU sweatshirt almost covering their boxers.
A dvd box of the 2001 movie Super Troopers.
A woman in a gray overcoat hiding a breast plate beneath. She looks tiered but determined.
A hole in the ground.
A small creature with a uniform which says "Mail Goblin" across the front.
A cube with 8 sides.
A general with a ponytail high and tight against her head. She is looking over a map with small figurines.
A giant fighting robot on the side of a volcano.
A brown sloth with a blanket pulled up to their chest. They have large dark rings under their eyes and look like they're in pain.
A teepee made of chains, jangling in the wind.
The Bone Wagon, in all her damaged glory.
A pirate ship manned by figures in fur coats.
A receptionist asking if you have an appointment.
The physical manifestation of confusion and frustration.
and finally
A Devil who is without question the most handsome of all Devils, as well as being the strongest and most cunning. You can tell he is soft-spoken, articulate, and chillingly reasonable with just a glance.

#          THE HELL GAME          #
# Produced By: The Powers That Be #


Expected length of teaser trailer: 30 seconds
Expected budget to produce teaser trailer: $384,213

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